Sunday, December 5, 2010

4 Months Later........Oh yeah I forgot

Okay so its almost 4 months later and all I can say is I forgot about my blog. I have tried to committ suicide 4 times in those 4 months so it hasn't all been well and good. My sister got engaged to Andy in September and are gonna get married on April 10th,2011. Here are my Top 10 Movies of the year(so far)
1.Scott Pilgrim vs The World
3.Date Night
4.Iron Man II
5.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I
6.The Expendables
7.Toy Story 3
8.Despicable Me
9.Shrek Forever After
I haven't seen Inception or Megamind yet.

I've been having a Futurama marathon making it through 10 discs in 2 weeks,and I have watched plenty of other stuff too. I recently got the new UK Lethal Weapon Blu-Ray box set. Watching the 1st one now. Been playing my 360 more often in the past 3 weeks. Ninja,his brother(Manga) and Dave.Manga likes to do a running jump into a prone position to make it look like he is humping stuff,and it really is funny,even tho it sounds(and rightfully so) stupid. Oh and the game he likes doing it in is Call of Duty Black Ops. Been having alot of fun and laughing my head off when I play with them.

Well I'll try and update more even tho nobody cares,but for now I'm off.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

SSI Approved

Yeah its been almost 2 months since my last blog but what can I say? The day I saw Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier LIVE we stayed the night in Columbus and then we headed home with a visit to my therapist 1st and while I was there,my SSI lawyer called to inform us I had been approved and would be getting back-payed to April 2008,and that I should expect my 1st check in 3-6 months. Well its now August and I got a call from the social security office and was asked a bunch of questions....including my bank account & routing numbers. At the end of the call I was told to expect my 1st check in about a WEEK!!!!!! So as exciting as this is,its also weird because I don't know how much I've been approved for per month so I don't know how much I'll be getting in my 1st check after the lawyer takes out his 33%. I owe my Dad $2200 because he let me buy a shit ton of DVDs & Blu-Rays and he also bought me a new Samsung Blu-Ray equipped laptop. I also owe my Mamaw $3,450 for various things and reasons I dont wanna talk about here. Well I have to go but I'll probably be back before the day is over.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tomorrow I see Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier SModcast LIVE

Well its been a while since my last blog,but tomorrow is the day I get to see Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier in a LIVE NUDE SMOD in Columbus! And I saw Toy Story 3-D saturday and it was good,better than the 2nd,but the 1st is still on top of the Pixar mountain. I want to see Jonah Hex but I may have to wait for Blu-Ray since the box office gross was soooooooo poor that it probablly won't still be showing at the Beginning of July when I planned on seeing it.

August 3rd Kick Ass comes to my Blu-Ray Collection,I know that was random but it is slowly entering my top movies of all time list so I'm really looking forward to it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Early Return-My Thoughts on the Movies I watched on the Camping Trip

So we came home a day early because my Dad had to make an appointment with our weight-loss surgeon because he has a Hernia. But this blog is gonna be my thoughts on some of the movies we watched on the trip,theater AND DVD,most of which was a 1st time viewing.

MOVIE I-Shrek Forever After at the Drive In
-Ok so this is my 2nd viewing since coming to theaters because I had seen it in 3D at a traditional theater. I don't really see the hate of the Shrek sequels. They aren't meant to be arthouse films,they are for kids mostly,granted with alot of winks to the older people in the audience. I'm 20 and like the Shrek series,so sue me. But I read so many reviews that bashed Shrek the Third and Shrek Forever After,and a few even that bashed Shrek 2,and if you like the 1st what the hell is wrong with the other 3? I don't know. Anyways a thumbs up for Shrek 4.

MOVIE II-Damage(Starring Stone Cold Steve Austin) on DVD in the Trailer
-Yeah it was completely predictable,but the action was good,and the story was decent enough. This was my 1st viewing,and liked the movie more than Austin's The Stranger,but not nearly as much as Austin's The Condemned. Thumbs up for Damage.

MOVIE III-It's Complicated on a Redbox-Rented DVD in the Trailer
-So this was another 1st viewing. It was just ok,a few laughs here and there,but with Steve Martin & Alec Baldwin involved I expected better. But I do have a question...why was this Rated R? Theres no nudity or alot of language or anything,and to be honest I've seen more suggestive episodes of Friends(which is my favorite show) than what was in this movie. Thumbs in the middle.

MOVIE IV-Defendor on a Redbox-Rented DVD in the Trailer
-This was underwhelming. Yes it was a Direct To DVD movie,but the reviews and the talent involved got me excited for it. I mean don't get me wrong,I did like it and will buy it one day but not until its $10 or less. It just was sooooooooo slow at times. My Dad HATED the movie and said it was as bad as another movie we saw on a camping trip at the Drive-In a little movie called "Adventures of Shark Boy & Lava Girl" which is one of the absolute worst movies I have ever watched,and had to watch all of it to get to the 2nd movie that night. Oh wait we are talking about Defendor,ok the premise sounded great,a child like man(Autistic) decides to dress up as a superhero due to something that was mentioned when he was a kid and his grandfather owned a comic book shop,but the execution wasn't right. Thumbs in the middle here.


MOVIE V-Prince of Persia The Sands of Time in Theaters
-Ok the 4th movie getting a 1st viewing on the trip. I have never played the POP games and didn't have any idea what I was getting into with only the theatrical trailer in front of Iron Man II,and was pleasantly surprised,not enough to out do my 4 movies(with a tie) in my Top 3 of the year but it was really good. Thumbs up.

MOVIE VI-Marmaduke in Theaters
-Yes I actually went to see Marmaduke. I had never seen a single preview for it,and only saw the poster,and I'm a sucker for Dog movies. And I liked it. I can see why people would hate it,but I have enough kid in me to like it. Thumbs up.

MOVIE VII-Beverly Hills Cop II on DVD in the Trailer.
-Ok so 7th movie on the trip and its the 6th 1st viewing of the trip. I have had the Beverly Hills Cop Trilogy Box Set since 2004,and I hadn't watched any of them until a few months ago when me and my Dad watched the 1st one. So now about 4 months after watching the 1st I finally sit down to watch the 2nd,and it was good but not as good as the 1st one. But still thumbs up.

MOVIE VIII-Beverly Hills Cop III on DVD in the Trailer
-Ok so you should be able to tell that this is the 1st time viewing of this as well. I actually liked III better than II,but that may be because I am a Disney World fan and it was kinda cool to see the story take place mostly in a Disney World Rip-Off theme park setting. Thumbs up.


MOVIE IX-Killers in Theaters
-This was the final movie watched on the Camping Trip and man what a crappy ending to movie watching on the trip. The action was pretty good,and there was some good laughs,but what a horribly stupid ending that ruined the entire movie. Thumbs down.

And the rest of the time was spent either listening to my iPod,or watching Family Guy.

Oh and we saw something on the way to go to a movie theater 40 minutes away from the camp grounds. My Dad saw cops up ahead and thought it was a seatbelt road block so we stopped and killed ourselves getting the seatbelts on and it turned out there were 2 cops at a scene of a crash but not just any crash,no a Pick-Up Truck had driven BAM right into a house. But sadly we didn't have a camera,but it was quite the visual.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Depression-The Beginning(AKA The Year of Hell-1999-2000)

Okay so I have said in the past(well just a couple of days since the blog started 3 day ago,lol) that I have OCD,Bi-Polar and multiple depression issues. While I think my Bi-Polar has been with me my whole life looking back on it,but my Major Depression Problems started on Easter Day 1999,when my Hero,My Great Grandmother known to all as Nanny,was taken to the hospital and she was in bad shape the 1st day,but she seemed like she recovered the 2nd day,then the night of the 3rd day I saw her for the last time,and she was really out of it,so I wasn't able to make a proper goodbye,then in the early morning of the 4th day,she passed away. So besides the fact that I didn't get to tell her goodbye,there was a really special moment that I missed because I was back at home. In between the 3rd night and the 4th morning she woke up and said she could see the Gates of Heaven and her husband and my brother who died in a car accident when I was 1 in January 1992 who she was also very close to(so close even tho she was buried in West Virginia,we got a memorial gravestone at the foot of my brother's grave) saying it was her time and they were waiting for her to come home,and then she said her goodbyes and shorty after she died. Sometimes I have trouble with my Spirituality but I often forget about what I was told that night. But this would just be the start of the Year(and half) of Hell.

Shortly after Nanny died,I did have my favorite vacation of all time when I,my parents,my sister and her best friend,and my grandmother and cousin went to Disney World & Universal Studios in Orlando,which was the 2nd time I had went to DW/US and have been there 3 times since. But then December came along. My grandfather on my Dad's side passed away. Then 2 months later my other grandfather(on my Mom's side) passed away. Then 2 weeks later my grandmother(on my Mom's side) almost died and was in the hospital for 4 1/2 months,but she did finally pull through and due to the death of my grandfather/her husband she couldn't stand to live in their house so she moved in with me,and my parents,and since my cousin with down syndrome lived with them most of the time,he moved in as well. But that wasn't the end.

My Mom & Dad had broken up for about a year before I was born,which means that Dad even tho he has ALWAYS been my Dad in my heart,was not my biological father. So the first 10 years of my life I had my Dad and then "Daddy Scott",with "Daddy Scott" being my biological dad So even tho I had 2 Dads,my biological dad was always "Daddy Scott" and never just Dad. But why am I bringing this up? Well re-read the part about the first 10 years of my life,and then remember that I'm 20,which means in 2000 something happened. During the time my grandmother was in the hospital my Mom was taking me to spend a weekend at his house,we drove up there and he wouldn't answer the door. So we eventually stopped knocking on the door and left. Then we tried to call him a few times,and no answer. Then we go to pick some movies we had rented for him up and,he was gone. He had moved out of his house,and didn't tell us. (However 2 years later he would send me a Christmas Card with money in it,and saying he will always love me,and gave me his phone number,and I would call it and I saw him 1 last time for a meal at Taco Bell,where he told me what had happened to him in the past 2 years,like he got married,and had a step-daughter,and that I had a Step-Sister,and then I told him what had went on in the past 2 years and we ended the dinner and he said call me tomorrow to setup another meeting where I could meet his new family,so I called the next day and guess what? The number had been disconnected,what a douche)

But back to the Year(and a half) of Hell,my Sister would move out of the house in March,and then get married in December. And I missed my sister because she was basically my best friend,and when she got married,I was perfect for the rehearsal(I was a groomsmen)and on the night of the rehearsal her husband to be(Matt) gave me a little treasure box with a golden plaque on the bottom of it with a letter to me his future brother,and how special I was to the both of them. And inside the box was a few things to put pictures in,and it was really nice and I didn't expect it. But then came the Wedding Day,which was one of my favorite days of all time for some reason running around the church and seeing my Sissy cry and all the people who had come to the wedding,but when it came time to walk one of my sister's bridesmaids down the aisle,the fact that my Big Sister was getting married finally sunk in,and even tho I had been complemented with how I did the walk down the aisle at the rehearsal so well never having been to a wedding before,I lost my grip,and came pulling the bridesmaid as I basically ran to get to the end of the aisle and take my spot besides Matt and his best man and other groomsmen. And when my sister walked down the aisle,I was choking up,and finally when the preacher started I lost it and broke into tears which in turn made my sister cry and which in turn made my Mom sitting in the front row cry and a few people saying "awwwww". So after the wedding the reception came,and there I was told by Matt's father that I was the worst groomsmen he had ever seen. Yeah telling a 10 year old that was real smart. Then came time for embarrassment as Matt and my sister did this little mini-strip when Matt took the garter off her and threw it out to the guys and which Matt made it a point to throw it to me,and he hit the mark and I caught it and I came home and put it in the treasure box he had given me.

So that was the Year(and a Half) of Hell. And what has happened with my Sister & Matt since then? Well Matt's family started showing that they were all douches which was already assumed about his Dad after the "Worst Groomsmen" comment. So after 5 years of breaking up and getting back together,they finally got a divorce,and not 3 months later she was engaged to someone else. And what happened to Matt when he found out about the Engagement? Well the next day he would tell his parents off like he should have when he was with my sister,and he would drop off their dog at his sister's house. And then 2 days after being told,he committed suicide and jumped off a bridge and died. This is one of the things that was the hardest to deal with because I was fond of Matt,but due to the fact that they broke up and I was 15,when we went on a trip with her and Eric who would a few days later ask her to marry him,I joined with my sister on badmouthing Matt and praising Eric,and shortly after the suicide news came about,and I have felt guilty ever since,even tho he never heard what I said,I hate the fact that I said the things I did,only to hear that earthshattering news a couple weeks later. And I can't even begin to think how hard it was on his brother and sisters and parents. But what made this even worse? Well a month and a half after the suicide my sister married Eric in Gatlinburg,TN on horseback. Well 3 months later my Sister & Eric would move all the way to TEXAS! Why? Because his kids from his 1st marriage were moving there because his first wife got a new job,and he didn't want to lose his kids,so...

And then 2 and a half years after getting married,they file for divorce and my sister eventually moves back to Ohio,and then begins to talk about how horrible Eric was,and the rest of my family start talking about how they Loved Matt but only just liked Eric. And now a year after moving back to Ohio,she has been dating a guy for about 10 months,and they have already moved in together. And while I love the new guy as we both have a love for Stand Up Comedy & Wrestling(oh and his name is Andy) I can't help but think if I'm getting so close to him(and his 2 daughters from his 1st marriage) what impact will it have if they too break up? I mean I hope(and pray) it doesn't happen because he really seems head over heels in love with her in a way that Eric and even Matt never seemed to be,and she is the happiest I have ever seen her but I got so close to Matt,and got semi-close to Eric that its hard to think about losing him to a break up,and I am in love with his 2 daughters,as I am much closer to them as I ever was with Eric's 2 kids,and consider them to be my nieces even tho they haven't gotten married yet(or even engaged).

So the Year and a Half of Hell was bad but it has brought so much more heartbreak since with the multiple break ups and of course the suicide.

Well thats my story of how my depression issues began. This is my last blog until Friday,so till next time Good Afternoon,Good Evening,and Good Night for 5 days to all!

A Link to My DVD & Blu-Ray Collection

Wow,looking at my DVD & Blu-Ray shelves I kinda got the feeling I was way off at how many DVDs and Blu-Rays I had. I actually have not 1200 DVDs but OVER 1400 DVDs,and not a little over 100 Blu-Rays but over 220 Blu-Rays. I have had my DVDaf site for ages and always keep it updated but I just didn't pay attention to how many I have,until I hit the "My Home" selection and saw the big numbers.
Here is the link to my Collection....

A DVD Talk Forum Post about Commentaries-Extended Edition

Well I am a fan of the Funny commentaries. I occasionally listen to just technical or informative ones but I make it a point to listen and in some cases re listen time and time again some of the funny ones.

My favorite commentaries are by Kevin Smith and his View Askew crew,Bruce Campbell,Edgar Wright and/or Simon Pegg,John Carpenter,George Romero and/or Tom Savini and The Rock. My 1st commentary I ever listened to is still my favorite tho. The Evil Dead II commentary. It was hilarious and very informative. But all of the people mentioned above always get me to listen to a commentary,and sometimes buy stuff I wouldn't otherwise(like Thou Shalt Not Kill....EXCEPT with Bruce Campbell being the most prime example as quite frankly that movie is AWFUL,but the commentary is hilarious and informative much like the Evil Dead II track). And after watching the films,and listening to the Commentaries of Kevin Smith,I have over 200 hours of entertainment(probably closer to 300) when you consider his films,the fantastic documentaries,and the hilarious commentaries,then add his Podcast-SModcast which is at about 120 episodes(at the moment) all at least 52 minutes in length,and some going over the 2 hour mark,and then due to that it leads to even more hours of entertainment in SModcast's "Sister" Podcasts TellEmSteveDave and The Mo & Glo(ria) Show Podcasts. So if it wasn't for commentaries I would never have found such a love for Kevin Smith,and wouldn't have all those hours of entertainment. So I guess Commentaries mean alot more to me than I ever realized.

Sorry for the rant :)

Okay so I posted that on the DVD Talk Forum in the DVD Talk subsection of the DVD Discussions section of the board in a thread as to what the appeal of Commentaries were on June 5th at 4:09am.

Wow. I meant it when I said I never realized that commentaries meant that much to me. I mean having almost 300 hours(if not more) of entertainment just related to Kevin Smith,and I owe all of that to listening to a commentary track. I guess I'm glad I listened to the Evil Dead II commentary 1st and found that the tracks can be so funny and informative,and not some of the other tracks I have listened to,even tho off the top of my head I can't think of 1,but I know there are some commentaries that I have either started listening to and turned off or listened all the way through even if it wasn't that good. And things always seem to lead back to Suncoast when it comes to entertainment and friends. I bought the Evil Dead II dvd at Suncoast,and pre-ordered Jersey Girl & Clerks. X at Suncoast. So not only has Suncoast brought me 3 of my very best friends who are still friends(unlike friends I have made elsewhere) to this very day,but it also brought to me 100s of hours of entertainment in Kevin Smith Movies,Commentaries,Documentaries,and Podcasts as well as 1000s of hours with all the DVDs I bought there over the years meaning more Movies,TV Shows,Documentaries,Commentaries. Then theres the fact that in relation to Suncoast bringing me 3 of my best friends and all those hours of entertainment,but then add the fact that if it wasn't for Kevin Smith's SModcast I would have never have bought an iPod,and if not for Kevin Smith's commentaries I may not have gotten a Blu-Ray player yet,since I bought my 1st Blu-Ray player because they had announced that the Catch & Release DVD would have NO features while the Blu-Ray had a few features including a Kevin Smith commentary track,even tho once released the DVD turned out to have that commentary but not the Making of,Deleted Scenes,and Auditions,but the commentary opened my eyes to what Blu-Ray had to offer and shortly after buying my 1st Blu-Ray player(the PS3) I would then feel inclined to buy a 52 Inch HDTV(only 720p tho,but it was below $600,and 52 Inches,but its still a fantastic TV)

So there was another boring rant about how much Suncoast brought to my life,and basically saying how much I miss it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sunday June 6th-Thursday June 10th

Okay even tho I plan on putting up a few blogs before I leave Sunday I just wanted to put a notice that this Sunday(the 6th) I will be gone until Friday(June 11th) in the afternoon as me and my Dad are going Camping! Tho we are not your traditional campers as we only make it a point to one day of a trip be outside,and that is to build a fire and roast some Hot Dogs! The rest of the time we are watching movies all day inside the trailer,or we are up in the town close to the camp grounds at the Movie Theater or browsing Wal-Mart. So I won't be posting a blog for those days,but like I said I plan on posting a few before Sunday and then I'll be back to blogging Friday evening.

Fuck You Dark Horse Gamers!

Well I'm bored so I'm gonna go ahead and post the story of why I rarely play my Xbox 360 anymore.

Intro Part 1-My History in Video Games
Ok so I'm 20,so I have lived through most of the Big-Time Video Games Consoles,and have owned most of them at one time. My 1st Video Game System was a Super Nintendo. The SNES still has my Favorite Game of all time in Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I'm gonna try not to go into alot about the systems,just what I had before The 360 came along.
Super Nintendo-Favorite Game:Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Sega Genesis/Sega CD Combo-Favorite Game:(Can't remember the name but it was a Sega CD game that had a Black Guy giving you updates on the missions,which were trying to rid Africa of Zombies)
Nintendo Game Boy Color-Favorite Game(s):The Pokemon Series
Nintendo 64-Favorite Game:Goldeneye
Sega Dreamcast-Favorite Game:Crazy Taxi
Sony Playstation-Favorite Game(s):Spider-Man & Spider-Man 2:Enter Electro
Sony Playstation 2-Favorite Game(s):Grand Theft Auto Series,The Punisher,Star Wars Battlefront II,Evil Dead Series,WWE Smackdown Series
Nintendo Gamecube-Favorite Game(s)-Resident Evil Series & Wrestlemania XIX
Microsoft Xbox-Favorite Game(s)-Buffy the Vampire Slayer Series

Intro Part 2-What Video Games Have Brought to Me
So besides hours of fun playing games,what else have Video Games brought to me? When I was younger? Friends,because of Pokemon I made alot of friends in the private school I went to,tho I am in contact with none of them anymore,but at the time I had many friends because of our shared love for Pokemon. And the single biggest thing Video Games gave to me? The Playstation 2 was my 1st DVD Player. Yep even tho I love movies and own 1200 DVDs,I didn't get a Playstation 2 til Christmas 2001. So Video Games helped give me my love for DVD Extras,as before I could only watch VHS. And obviously I would probably have had a DVD player by now without the PS2,seeing as VHS is now obsolete,but who knows how long it would have taken if not for the Playstation 2's awesome game lineup and DVD Combatibility.

Intro Part 3-The setup to meet The Dark Horse Gamers
And then 3 years later after getting my 1st DVD Player in the PS2 I finally joined my 1st DVD message board called DVD Talk. I had visited DVD Talk alot in the year and a half leading up to joining the board,to read the Reviews of new DVD Releases as well as Movies being released to theaters. I had previously only been a member of 2 message boards,one was Bloody Disgusting,where I went under the name FreddyvsJason1Fan,because it was right after FvJ had been released in theaters and since I was only 13 thought it was the greatest movie ever made(and due to this I saw the movie 13 times in theaters)and while I still Love FvJ its not my favorite movie,and its not even on my Top 20,but back then I thought otherwise. I was into a Horror kick at the time and made 2 friends that I talked to all the time on MSN Messenger members known as Severn and The Muffin Man,where I had similar movie tastes with the 2,Severn also liked Wrestling,so that was my Introduction to Message Boards,tho the 2nd message board isn't around anymore was a board also based on Horror Movies but was a tribute to the Halloween series. And around the same time I joined DVD Talk I also joined The View Askew Message Board,but I'm going on about stuff that has nothing to do with the main story of this blog or this particular Intro entry,so,just know that DVD Talk was and still is a big part of my Internet time.

PART 1-Going into the Next Generation of Video Games
Okay so the PS2 was awesome,and I was hyped up when the PS3 was announced. Then news about the PS3 was coming that wasn't exactly good or exciting(at the time). It would have a price of OVER $500,and the games coming along with the launch were well kinda loackluster. Then I started seeing previews during Monday Night Raw,for a game called Dead Rising. I got on IGN and searched for it,and saw it was a well-reviewed game,for the Microsoft Xbox 360. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original Xbox,but reading all the good reviews for Dead Rising got me pumped,and I caved in and bought the Xbox 360 for funnily enough $360 after a discount I had at FYE. I bought Dead Rising with it and came home and played it and LOVED it. I then started to go to Gamestop and browse the Xbox 360 section to see what else was there. Every time I went in the Gamestop clerk would say "Are you gonna Pre-order Gears of War?" and I didn't know what it was and always declined. I started getting a subscription to Gamepro & Electronic Gaming Monthly(RIP) and started to want the game as well as Marvel Ultimate Alliace. But there was something that worried me. Most of the good games coming out were hyped on their Online play. I didn't have High Speed Internet.
Well I looked into it and was lucky to find out that a High Speed provider had JUST recently been made available to my part of town. So I got Time Warner and have had it ever since. But what did I want,and who was I gonna play with....?

PART 2-DVD Talk Message Board-Video Game Subsection
So I posted my interest in wanting to find people to play with on my favorite website DVD Talk,where else? And the members of DVD Talk that had 360s and Xbox Live recommended me some games to get,so I could play with them online. Well actually only 1 game-Call of Duty 2. So like I had said in my Suncoast memory blog I am shy when it comes to social interaction,so I played COD2 and was invited into my 1st Xbox Live online game. I said very little,but I had a good time as the guys were funny,and fun to play with. Then after a little while I started chiming in on things and bringing up things to talk about and gradually got over this particular shyness. So when November came around I was pumped for 2 games-Gears of War & Call of Duty 3.

PART 3-First reactions to Gears of War and the Call of Duty 3 backlash
Ok so I was playing at least twice a week with the DVD Talk crew. Then Gears of War was released,and we played it and none of us were really happy with it at 1st thinking it to be way overhyped for no reason. Then the more hyped game by the guys at DVDTalk was Call of Duty 3. So it finally came out and I liked it and the guys did too at 1st,but that quickly changed over the next 2 weeks. By the time December was there,COD3 was not being played anymore and most had traded it in. So for a while it was back to Call of Duty 2. And I'll admit I did get a little immature and juvenile,because one of the guys,Tbird posted my "Hit List" with who i had delivered the mighty embarassing Beat-Down kill in COD2. Everybody made jokes about it and I got a little carried away,okay ALOT carried away. I started once a week updating this hit list,and people got tired of it,and I pushed it a little to far,but I finally learned my lesson and quit.
But then we gave Gears of War another chance....

PART 4-Non-Stop Gears of War
Then after a few weeks of gradually playing Gears and getting to like it,all of our opinions changed BIG TIME. We not only preferred Gears to COD2,but we played almost every single weekday for months. Martin & goLUCKY were the snipers. Alex was clearly the Chainsaw's best friend as he used it all the time and if 2 were going at each other Alex would win the Chainsaw Duel about 90% of the time. Doctor West was the Kick Ass take no prisoners guy because he could use any of the weapons in Gears to kick your ass. I was Mr.Boomshot,always going for the Boom on the maps that included it,and blowing people to bits and pieces. After a while the guys started sending teams for it to stop me,and then my team would start sending a back-up for me to make sure I got that Boomshot. Then for about a month,everybody quit playing it as we had worn it out by playing so much and we waited for the next big release.

PART 5-Halo 3 & Call of Duty 4
So finally after a month of not playing here came Halo 3 in September oif 2007. Somebody on my friend's list was ALWAYS online any given time I wanted to play,and played a couple weeks non-stop in 14 hour days of playing. The only problem? I SUCK at Halo 3,so after the 1st couple weeks of getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter all day,I started to grow tired of it,and longed to return to Gears of War. But there was finally another game that I was mediocre at but didn't totally suck at like I did Halo 3,and this was Call of Duty 4. So I played it alot tho not as much as Halo 3 or Gears. Then in about December things were being switched up between COD4 & Gears with Monday,Wednesday,and Fridays rotating the playlist. This would last up until May of 2008.

PART 6-Unreal Tournament III and the Opening of The Dark Horse Gamers
So in June 2008 came Unreal Tournament III which Martin had hyped up big time,and I was looking forward to it because of it. Well at the time I had begun to have problems with my High Speed internet so I would play for anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours then the internet would go out and I would be dropped mid game. Well around this time I had opened a new free message board entitled "Untitled DVD Talk Clan" and had sent message with invites and nobody really answered me on that. Then I finally found out they had opened a Clan board on their own after playing some GTA4 named The Dark Horse Gamers. Well they said they were talking about a porn site,and they kept mentioning it until I searched it and found it was a message board for the new clan that was made up of the DVD Talk crew. I registered and waited to get activated. Then I wanted in on a game of Unreal III and nobody invited me,even tho there was room in the session,then I saw the "join in progress" option under one of the guys' profiles,and joined in,and they said "Oh great theres Jason" and then that was the last thing I heard from them because my internet went out again.

PART 7-Dark Horse Gamers The Declined Registration
Then I got an email from DHG's message board that I was declined membership and a few hours afterwords I get a email from one of the members,who I had only played with a few times,but he was friends with Martin & Doctor West,so I knew the name. And he tells me that the clan was to mature for me,that they pulled no punches,and that I would be better suited for another clan. A Christian Gamer Halo 3 clan. So I sent a message back to him,as well as Doctor West & Martin,that I had gotten used to the pull no punches stuff as I had heard alot of stuff (like the Brazzers porn site being talked about as West acidently calls it Brazziers,and Exodus Prime drunk and talking about dating a Butch Lesbian,and many more stuff much worse than that) and that just because I'm young(at the time 18) and am a Christian(which I had mentioned maybe 1 time through those 2 years) that I couldn't handle the board because I had put up with it for 2 years at that point. Never got an answer and slowly but surely everybody took me off their friend's list over the next week. So that only left my friend Dave,Cody,and Ninja to play with,and Dave had to work alot,and Cody had school,so I only had Ninja to play with for a while,but his brother ended up getting Xbox Live too around the time of the release of Left 4 Dead,but still only 2 people online regulary to play with and 2 part times,I felt devastated really,and in October of 2008,got so upset with it and other things going on in my life that I tried to commit suicide. Thankfully my Sister was a good driver because I tried to jump out of a moving van and she got it slowed down where while I did do a big bruise-making roll on the road,it was on the side of the road and I wasn't in middle of the road to get run over and the van wasn't going fast enough to get any major injury. So I spent a week in the hospital,where I had such looney people like a woman who said she was the Daughter of....Elvis Presley,and she thought I was and called me Jesus. Yeah scary.

PART 8-Trying to find new people to play with BSG & AGN
So after the releases of Left 4 Dead and Gears of War 2,I tried very hard to find some new people to play with online. I tried AGN(Adult Gamers Network) and that lasted for a little while but the group RIGHT after I joined made a rule where you had to be 21,so I wasn't exactly the person to fit in,and eventually gave up on finding a new clan. Then Halo 3 ODST & Left 4 Dead 2(and CODMW2) came along and I had renewed interest in trying to find a new clan yet again. So I found BSG and joined and played a few times with a couple of the members,but health problems for me and my Dad would keep taking me away from Xbox Live and I gave up once again.
I have played a few games of Left 4 Dead 2 & Halo 3 ODST with Ninja and his brother,but because I can't find a group to play with regularly for the bigger party games like L4D1/2 VS mode,COD4 & CODMW2,Halo 3,and Gears of War 2 I don't like getting interested into playing a game and then having to wait a few days before I can play with anyone again. I do regret not playing with Ninja more than I do because we are good friends,and both have depression issues,but we keep in touch with Facebook.

The Dark Horse Gamers Can Go Fuck Themselves.

Conclusion II
Seeing as Crackdown 2 & Dead Rising 2 are coming and I still have like 7 or 8 games that I can play with Ninja co-op on,I'm gonna try after my upcoming vacation,to play with him more,and maybe look again for a clan. Ninja if you are reading this thanks for being a great friend and keeping contact with me on Facebook even tho I haven't played with you in a while,that shows me you are a true friend,unlike The Dark Whores Gamers who acted like I was a friend then backstabbed me and couldn't even send one of the regular peeps to tell me why. And Ninja,hope to see you soon my friend :-)

Babe in The Thoughts(AKA a sorta Babe of the Day) #1

Today's Babe in the Thoughts #1
(anybody with a better name,that would suite a blog about a hot chick that I like,that has a good name but doesn't have to be daily pitch it to me)

Video of the Babe-

Remembering Suncoast

Back in the day,I used to frequent my local Suncoast at least once a week. I made 2 of my best friends there since I visited so much. The 1st memory of when I started to "click" with some of the employees was when I bought the Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre DVD there. I had shopped there alot,and had similar tastes in movies to 2 of the workers there,moreso the Assistant Manager Jerome. I am shy when it comes to social interaction,so Jerome would talk to me about something I was buying,and I would talk to him about it,but I would look at my Mom,and very awkwardly say what I had to say. Well after going in so many times,I finally started to not feel so awkward and I started talking to Jerome for about 15 minutes to 20 minutes at a time on a visit there. Well when I went in to buy the newly released Texas Chainsaw Massacre "Meat Package" Edition around the time the Remake was coming to theaters,me and Jerome talked about Chainsaw and he suggested some other movies I might like,and long story (not-so) short is I was there for an hour. Then I started to go to Suncoast just to talk to Jerome,and would eventually make friends with the Manager,Dave. If my parents had an errand to run I would call Suncoast and see if one of them was working and if they were I would go and get dropped off to visit with them. There was one day that I had went to see a movie with my Best Friend,Eric and his Grandfather was doing badly and he after the movie needed to go to the hospital so he dropped me off at the mall,and Dave & Jerome were both working and I was there for 4 hours,because I had to wait for my Dad to get off work and come pick me up. That is how good the friends I made there were,that I could just stand and bullshit with them for 4 hours and not get bored. I even went to Jerome's wedding,which was the funniest/coolest/dorkiest wedding I have ever seen all wrapped into one. Well maybe just the end where after Jerome & Angel said their I Do's they went off to the reception hall to The Addams Family theme song. But then FYE bought Suncoast. There was alot of rumors around then that Suncoast was going to be closed. They transfered Dave to another store,and shortly after Dave's new store closed. Dave was no longer a part of Suncoast. The rumors that Suncoast closing tho ended up going away and they were open for another 7 months,until with only a weeks notice,Jerome and the rest of the Suncoast employees were told Suncoast was being closed in Januaray 2007. Only a week's notice that they were about be out of a job.

Around October 2006 Dave had gotten a new job at another store I went to alot at the time in Gamestop,BUT he was working about 30 minutes away from where Suncoast was,and it already required and hour's drive to get to Suncoast. Then about April or May of 2007,Jerome would find another job. Where? Gamestop as well,but not the same store Dave was working. It was about 15 minutes closer than Dave's store but still to far away to visit him as much as the Suncoast days. Now in June 2010 Dave & Jerome are still 2 of my very best friends and they both still work at Gamestop. I now mostly stay in contact via Facebook with the occasional visit to one of their stores. But still not as much contact with them as I would like.

And Dave is now in the movie biz even tho he still works at Gamestop.
He has directed 1 movie already and its available on DVD via the Amazon Marketplace which you can find out more info about the movie and his upcoming Horror Movie that he wrote and is Executive Producing in Legend on the site linked above. I also due to Dave found another one of my best friends,who I have never even met in person and chances are I never will,because Me,Dave,and star of Dave's "Johnny" Cody would play on Xbox Live ALOT. Well when I wasn't online they met a Canadian,who they hit it off with,and next time I popped Rainbow Six Vegas into the disc tray I played with them and the first I had heard of him "Oh well theres Ninja,let's invite him" and I became fast friends with him as well. I have even bought him Games for me and him to play together that due to many reasons I haven't really played any of them with him yet,even tho I bought a few in October 2008 and then in June 2009. The story as to why I don't play my 360 as much as I used to is a whole other story for another time.

So there is The Legacy that Suncoast has left behind.
RIP Suncoast Eastgate Mall-Cincinnati,Ohio Location

Well one more thing before I head to bed(its like 4:34am here)

Ok so just wanted to post that FINALLY I will be able to see Kevin Smith LIVE,while I'm sure I won't actually get to meet him I will be at both of the Live Nude Smod recordings in Columbus on June 22nd. So now I have that to harp on for a while.

Now its 4:36am here so,Good Night!

An Introduction to Average Jo(seph)

Okay so here is my 1st blog post. Who am I? Just a Average Jo(seph) AKA Joseph Carr AKA Joey. I can be found posting on DVD/Blu-Ray & The View Askew Message Boards posting as TNAJason. Most people think my name is Jason and I am making a joke that I like "Tits & Ass". Well I do,but the reason behind the name is I like Wrestling,and at the time I started using the name I preferred TNA Wrestling. And where did Jason come from? Jason Voorhees. Yep a Wrestling/Hockey Mask Killer Hybrid is what my name is based on. And I doubt anyone will read my blog,but if you read it and for some reason stick around let me say Thank You. No idea why you stuck around but I do thank you.

So what am I gonna Blog about? Anything I feel like at that given moment really. It could be Movies,Wrestling,Video Games,Music,Stand Up,News,just anything even to borrow from my Favorite Film Director and favorite Celebrity in general(Kevin Smith) "My Boring Ass Life" except the Boring Ass actually is true unlike Kevin's very interesting (Non)Boring Ass Life. I'm not gonna lie and say I'm cool because I'm not. And what else? I will even admit that I am a Virgin and haven't even been on a date. Tho just look at the picture and you'll know why. And while I own a little over 100 Blu-Rays and about 1200 DVDs,and LOVE Movies/TV and Film I am not your general film buff by any means. I mean yeah I love very well liked/loved movies like Star Wars, & Terminator 2,I also like or even love generally Hated movies like Batman Forever,Tooth Fairy,and Spider-Man 3. My top 20 movies? Quite a weird list to be sure. And back to what I might blog about,I have OCD,I am Bi-Polar,and have lots of Mental Health Issues,so if I'm having a bad day I might blog about something that is upsetting me that particular day.

To end my "Intro Blog" I will list my favorite movies of the year thus far(that I have seen)...

2.Iron Man II
3.Date Night/Cop Out(Tied)
4.Shrek Forever After
and have also liked Crazies,Bounty Hunter,Leap Year,A Nightmare On Elm Street,and Alice in Wonderland,so basically I have liked everything I have seen in theaters so far this year. Yes I said I liked Leap Year,Bounty Hunter and the Nightmare Remake. So sue me.

Ok till next time,See Ya Later!